Ummm partner

Natty • Pregnant with my second child due January 12th
I've got a 5 yr old and when she was born he was scared of holding her would wake me up in the afternoon if I'd gone for a quick nap because she started crying wouldn't get up in the night and if I asked him to get a bottle he would get angry with us anyway over the years he got better with her and I'm pregnant again and really worried when its born he is going to be nasty to me again and leaving getting up in night and mornings to me again he ain't lazy he will cook and clean and take summer to school if I'm not feeling well but he will go on and on about him doing it feel like he hates doing anything for me! And I'm scared he will be a tosser again as I really found it hard I got post natal depression and I'm 100% sure he had something to do with it as I felt I was on my own doing it every time I bring it up he says I was nightmare when I was pregnant the first time that only because I was scared of what was to come crying all the time! We didn't have any money couldn't even afford clothing to fit me it was really hard we are in a better place now got nice house and that but Ive been I'll with morning sickness and it kills him to help me get angry all the time I'm wondering if it was a good idea to have an other one