How to tone just your belly??

Okay so I'm a naturally very petite person. Naturally I weigh 95 lbs. I used to have a completely flat tummy but then I had my daughter and she made my belly huge. Shes almost 3 now and I have quite a few tiger stripes and my mommy tummy isn't going away. It looks better now but it's still so poochy. I have anorexia (NOT bulimia, that's where you throw up and that can cause belly bloat) and I am very good about keeping my eye on my eating disorder but I slipped up back in dec and had an episode where I dropped to 85 lbs and only then did my tummy flatten out. But the rest of me looked awful and I wasn't healthy. I'm only up to to 93 lbs and my tummy is totally bloated up again. I feel like I look pregnant!  Excersizing doesn't seem to be doing much. How do I get rid of this? (Naturally) I miss my flat tummy, it was my best feature. Please help. Heres a before and after...