Struggling with reality.

Kelsie • I am 36 my husband is 38 and we are trying to convince out first child with low fertility chances on both sides.
My DH and I have been trying to concieve for a little over a year. We went early to a infertility spec solidly because I have 12 day periods so I basically am on two weeks off two weeks also I get ovarian cysts. Dr said that period was normal but my ovulation was off so  he started me on metformin. Seems to fix ovulation and cysts. He then tested my husband and found out he has extremely lows perm count, low motility and low morphology. Dr suggested straight to <a href="">IVF</a>. Our insurance doesn't cover it so we said no. Been going old fashion and getting no where. How do I accept that I may not ever have a baby?