Dealing with the past. 💔

I've been with my SO for 2 1/2 years, currently pregnant with his child. (My 3rd, his 2nd) Long story short..During our relationship, he cheated on me lied with his other child's mother. I found out, we've had our problems and we broke up a while but got back together. He tells me things like he just didn't care as much about us during that time (over about 6 months) but he sees now the error of his ways and has changed. He's shown improvement and lives with me and we have our family and everything. We still fight a lot though because I hold a grudge against her and I can't seem to let it all go and move on fully. She's always around, because she's his kid's mother. So I HAVE to learn how to deal with it in a healthy way or move on from the relationship. Any advice on how to TRULY get over this?Â