So happy but so upset as well

Francesca • I`m 31 and We just had our 3rd baby! A boy after two girls! Lots of losses 😔 my first arrived at 28 weeks, after five years of trying, our second arrived at 34 weeks, and our third arrived at 34 weeks too! So blessed!
So as I've said before, I've had 5 losses and my daughter was born at 29 weeks. I had my last miscarriage in January this year followed by a chemical pregnancy in April. My best friend has been my absolute rock throughout all of this and she herself had a miscarriage in February. Hers was awful as she has a tilted uterus and needed surgery as she couldn't stop losing blood at a dramatic rate. They said the chances of her getting pregnant again were very slim as she's got some internal issues. So last month after another bfn for me she's being her usual self and joking that I need to hurry up and find my sticky bean so she can have cuddles etc and we decided to say a few words and buy something personal to remember the babies we've lost. Anyway, I talk to her today as af is due tomorrow and I got another bfn today and she tells me she's pregnant again! I am beyond thrilled for her! Seriously I'm over the moon! Another god baby for me and after everything she's been through, especially after accepting finally that she wasn't going to have any more children and even starting to give away her two girls old baby things, to have been given this gift is just the best news ever! And yet between my squeals of excitement with her it's all I can do to stop myself from bursting into tears! I don't think I'd be like it if it wasn't for the fact that this month is now out for me! I feel awful that my happiness for her is mixed selfishly with sadness at my own situation! I feel like the worst friend ever! She's an amazing mum and the best friend I could ever hope for, I just wish I got my bfp too! 😢