Confused, scared, wishing I understood.

I feel like it is a bad dream I can't wake from. We was ttc so took our first hpt on the 15th of May. Got an official positive on May 26th. Was so happy then it all come crashing down. May 30 I started to spot so went to the ER where they drew blood and done an us. My level was low but still in range from what I was told at 2500 but the scan showed an adnoramal sac and a mass on my ovaries. The sent me home where I waited till I could get into a doctor. I didn't and still don't understand what they was really saying other then miscarriage or etopic pregnancy. When the dr retested me they could no longer find the sac or the mass and my levels dropped to 316. The hardest part is they told me to retest in a week with a hpt if it was still positive to call back, 9 days later it is still positive and have no idea how long I will continue to get positives. They redone blood work down to 40. I was 5 weeks 6 days at the time it started. Now just wish my levels would be low enough to let me know my baby is truly gone. I feel like I am in limbo waiting.