Possible divorce

Pregnant and thinking about divorce

My husband and I have been married for 6 months now. I am now 13 weeks pregnant and I know a lot has to do with my hormones constantly changing. But I feel like my husband just does not care about anything I say or ask him to do or not to do. It's come to a point where I just feel like giving up. I feel like the person I knew before we got married changed completely to the person he is now. I've tried talking to him and communicating calmly how I feel. A few examples, I try to help him with something and if it is now done to his standard or timing then he gets upset. I've caught him flirting with other girls Facebook. He watches porn after I have asked him not to because he knows how my self image of myself is right now. He still does it, to the point that I feel like he would rather watch porn then try to have sex with me. I just feel like everything is going down hill and I don't want to make any irrational decisions while pregnant. But I feel like we're both young and shouldn't waste time if we're not happy. Any input greatly appreciated.