Urgent advice.

I am 23 with a great bf who is 25 and we have been dating for 1 year already. My parents really like him. The thing is that I am still living under my parents roof. Sex before marriage is a no no. Especially having a baby before marriage is a big no!!! I am 6 months pregnant and still haven't told my parents. I'm scared. And my boyfriend has been so kind that has been patient but last night he got really fed up with my promising that I'm gonna tell my parents but have not told them. He said that I need to grow up and tell them. Help. What happened to some of yall when yall told yalls parents? Btw my dad is strict.
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Some of the other ladies' advice to do it sooner rather than later to ease the news is the best way to go..My sister was pregnant while I was in high school, she was 24 at the time and living at home. My family isn't super strict or anything, but for some reason, she still didn't want to tell any of us. My mom and I had known for about 2 or 2.5 months before she had finally decided to tell us. She was about as far along as you are now.My point is, they are your family and know you better than anyone. If you live at home, they may already have an idea that you're pregnant and are waiting for you to come clean.Just be honest about how you were afraid that you would disappoint them, and all you want is their love and support. Most likely they just want the best life for you, and that is why they are strict. They might be hurt that you didn't tell them sooner..I know that's how my mom and I felt.Everything will be fine in the long run..just do it soon!


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I grew up in a very religious family. Pre marital sex was a huge no no. I got pregnant at 19 he was 22 and my family loved him. I was terrified but I owned up to it. They were going to find out eventually anyways. My dad was so disappointed the night I told him he left the house in tears saying I was too young and I had been careless BUT the next day he called and was asking if I was sick yet, had I been to the doctor and asking if I needed help with anything ect. The point is I KNOW its terrifying and you may not believe this at the very moment but your parents will love you regardless. They arent perfect either. And soon enough they will be overjoyed with the new bundle of joy. Just give them time. Good luck doll.


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Well seeing as u have 3 months tell threy find out and r probubly showing u should just tell them they r gunna know soon haha. U dont really have a choice anymore unless u plan on leaving and never talking to them like in the next week. Just tell them they may b mad give them time they may b happy u never know . Sounds like its time to think about moving in with ur bf tho


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Um. It's your life&you are a grown women!. Fess up already ♡


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Tell them now. They'll be okay by the time your baby comes. But now you aren't giving them much time... Good luck!


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My parents are strict as heck, and what I've learned is that waiting too long will only make matters worse. As scary as it is, take a deep breath and tell them. Let them know that you waited so long to tell them because you were afraid/worried of how they would react. That tends to soften the blow. Things will be said, tears may fall, but in the end, it'll work out, especially since they approve of him. My mom really disliked my kid's dad, and when I told her I was pregnant with my first, I was terrified, and I didn't even live with her anymore! We argued, I cried, but before I even got out of the kitchen, she was smiling over the ultrasound picture and asked how my morning sickness was going..you'll be ok :)


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He should help you in telling them to show that he is with you all the way. Be brave, they will love being grandparents.


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You are 23 years old you can make your own decisions. Trust me it'll be easier to tell them now then when you come home one day with a baby.


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Was it planned or accident?