Period or not?


Had unprotected sex may 28th couple days before ovulation. Painful cramping on 6/9 then woke up with blood on underwear 6/13 (cycle day 25) Was surprised to see blood didn't think I was due for period for 4days that would be cycle day 29. Was spotting Saturday n Sunday light pink. Spotted brown/red Mon n Tuesday. Those couple days it was only when I wiped. Turned more red on Wed used pad. most blood was on Thursday. Today Friday still not a lot of blood in toilet or on pad pain in left pelvic area.

Usually when I get my period I have a heavy flow and awful cramps and I have it for 5 days. This month it's early, light, no cramps and long. I'm not sure if I should count the first day I spotted as my period. This is day 6 tomorrow it will be 7 days I've been spotting/bleeding. I'm not sure if this is my period. Should I be worried about pregnancy?