Baby Allison's birth

Melissa • 26. I love my husband and so thankful for my friends & family. We're expecting our first little one.
Our little girl is one week old today. I can finally reminisce on the birth and t was incredible. I was prepared for the worst case-I hate pain so I tried to be as prepared as possible. Stared having Braxton-type contractions at 12.30pm at 38+2 and told my husband they feel like period pains. We went for a walk around the block.. Kept getting contractions but they were irregular and only in my period area. Had a bath and the contractions went away. By 20h30 I had what felt like very sore period pains and when I went to the toilet I wiped and there was a tiiiiny bit of blood mixed with discharge. Went to the hospital just to see what was happening and they nurse said I was already 6cm dilated. Water broke at 23:10 and we had little Allison Grace by vaginal delivery with no pain medication an hour after that-very quick delivery and healthy baby. It wasn't as painful as I had prepared but breathing helped so much. We are in awe of our little one.