
So last month(may)I had unprotected sex but to be honest it was my first time and it lasted under 45 seconds and was terrible honestly but that month when I got my period it was for 5 days and it was at first heavy and "normal" but the next day it was light brown and not so normal for me but this month(June)when I got it it is like very normal flow and such but it is kind of dark red but has a mixture of brown in it... Do you think I'm pregnant because I can't be I mean I don't want to be... I refuse to take a test I mean if it says I am then I'll freak out and do something crazy but I mean not knowing is killing me and I mean the tests aren't that accurate if have to but like 2 of them and still if they both say positive I can't take care of a baby I can't take care of myself honestly!