Basic roller coasters early first trimester?

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Posted at
I wouldn't in any trimester!


Posted at
Speed is fine. No sudden stops or drops. Nothing upside down. Honestly though, either way it isn't worth risking the health/life of your unborn child.


Posted at
I went on coasters at Disney world and Disney land in my first trimester. My doctor told me it was perfectly fine! After the first trimester though my doctor told me not to since the baby is bigger and moves up higher. Ask your doctor. They will be the one who can answer this best (:


Posted at
I was 6 weeks and went im on a few light ones, I cramped a little after one of them, but other than that, I am fine! It's really just what your comfortable with. I had a bunch of ppl tell me it was fine. But I was in the first trimester.


Penny • Jun 22, 2015
I haven't had my first appointment yet. But I've not experienced any bleeding or anything to make me assume that something could have happened


Jocelyn • Jun 21, 2015
I'm glad you're fine, but is your baby fine?


Posted at
I just found out today that I'm pregnant. However, last week, I rode like easily 7 roller coasters. We live next to a six flags & have season passes. Now that I know I'm pregnant, I won't be riding any more, I'll just get to stand by & watch everyone else have fun. I'm cool with that though.


Rocket Surgeon ☆🐠🌈 • Jun 22, 2015
thank you!


Sa • Jun 22, 2015