How do I bring the new baby home and the dog get use to it

Lee • Hello I have policsystic ovouries, I had a lap and they found cysts on my ovouries . I`m on clomid now 2nd month
It's my first baby and my dog is very spoilt . What can I do to get my dog to get use to the baby . I don't think my dog knows I'm pregnant 
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While in the hospital, wrap the baby in a blanket or towel you don't care quite so much about, and have hubby/mom/mil, someone bring the blanket or towel back to your home and let your pet smell it, examine it, and get used to the baby's smell. It really helped my dog a lot with being able to smell out the baby before we brought her home, and made the dog less anxious. (I have a full-blood dachshund.) When I finally brought baby home from hospital, I held the baby wrapped in her own blankets, and my husband held our dog so that it was a safe situation, and we introduced them to each other very slowly and let my dog smell baby's feet and get used to her. Never left baby unattended around our dog until we were able to judge how our dog would react. Now we've got three kids, another on the way, and my dog is such a dud she doesn't even try to get anywhere near them. She doesn't care how much noise the kids make, or if the kids accidentally step on her; she's never tried to attack them or be rough with them, and she never bites anyone. I even tried getting the dog to play with my four year old this morning when we were playing, and the dog just walked off. Lol.


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I think it would be great to have your dog smell one of the hospital blankets baby was wrapped in from the hospital, as others have suggested. And even though we don't think of our pets as anything other than lets half the time, I think it would be great to get the dog involved and with you and baby and communicate to your dog what you're about to do before you do it! I.E maybe say to your lets go feed baby and while nursing let your dog come with you and as he/she sits and watches you tell him how he's doing such a good job and so forth, kind of how you would have to get your only spoiled child to warm up to the thought of sharing your attention with them. Try not to exclude and isolate you and baby fr your dog, that can cause quick elevation in jealousy and so forth. Let your dog feel welcomed in just about everything you do with baby even if you gotta kind of pressure him/her and push/direct him/her to come along. Good luck... Let us know how it goes!


Farmwife🌻 • Jun 24, 2015
That's exactly our plan. If we were to exclude our dog she would probably get really naughty


Lee • Jun 22, 2015
Thank you that will help what you have said. My dog is very spoilt and has been like our baby to us. I just won't to do it write


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Following. I have a year old lab, baby is due in 8 weeks. I'm nervous for bringing the baby home and how my dog will react. Looking for ways to make the transition as smooth as possible 


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Following!! As our dog is like our furry son, and everyone is like "ooooh he's going to be so jealous" which I know he won't but I would like to make the process as easy as possible for him and baby when it gets here x


Lee • Jun 22, 2015
Same vote our dog is like my baby I just want her to love the baby and bit be stressed


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I have a cavapoo who is extremely playful&wild. And since TTC we've been uping her training and we are also positive that she will be jealous.


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I was told about a book called "tell your dog you're pregnant" that comes with an audio CD to prepare your dog for baby. It came highly recommended, but I haven't gotten a chance to order it yet.


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I hired a dog behaviourist a while ago as one of my dogs was being aggressive, thankfully that has been trained out of her now! But he said basically the dogs need to get used to the strange noises and smells, so allow your dog to smell the baby's clothes and sniff round the nursery, but make sure they know that the room is not for them and they're only allowed in when you say so. Play them baby noises from the Internet and reward them when they react calmly to the noises, with praise, toys or treats. It's also important after the baby comes not to neglect the dog or make it feel like the baby has taken you and your partner over as that's when they get jealous and can get nasty. It's all a case of encouraging positive behaviour and discouraging negative. And it'll take time for your dog to get used to the new tiny human but it will eventually! Also, of course it's common sense, but never leave your dog alone with your baby, no matter how much you trust him :)


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I had hubby bring baby's hat home for the dog to smell and get used to before we came home but honestly it didn't help. Oer dog was very jealous and even tried to get between myself and the baby when I was holding her. The dog passed away last year at the age of ten and I think the stress had a lot to do with it


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I had my mother in law take one of the baby's blankets from the hospital home to my Great Dane. When we got home he was really excited but curious and now he's really protective and still curious, the baby cries or breathes differently and he goes and assesses the situation lol they'll be best of friends one day 


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I'd take a blanket that your baby was wrapped infrom the hospitAl and have someone take it to your house and let dog get used to the new smell