Feeling depressed today

Anna • Mother of two boys 6 1/2 & 3 1/2 trying for baby #3 unfortunately had mmc in sept at almost 9 weeks few days after my 28th bday got pregnant again end of Dec mc at 7 weeks 3 days
I don't know why but my miscarriages are getting to me today maybe because I watched what to expect when you're expecting last night I cried even though it's a funny movie also since the miscarriages I've noticed I get more emotional around ovulation time which really kinda sucks I don't have anyone really to talk to about how I feel only really my mom she trys to understand but I'm not sure she really can I won't bring it up today with my husband because it's his bday we have to amazing boys & sometimes I feel selfish because I know there's so many great people that would live babies & can't have them some or people in my own family I guess we can't help our feelings I just needed to vent a little