Any negative blood type moms?


This is my first pregnancy and I am blood type O-. I have known since I was 16 that I would need to get a shot (Rhophylac) when I got pregnant so my bloody wouldn't reject the baby (if the baby had a positive blood type). Lucky for me, my husband is A-, which means the baby has to have a negative blood type. Unlucky for me, I had to get a shot anyway because they can't "prove" its his baby.

Apparently a woman brought her negative blood typed husband to every appointment and said the baby was his so she didn't get a shot. Turns out, it was the neighbor's baby and he had a positive blood type. The baby was then born with an immune disease so they give the shot to all Rh- blood types.

So I received the shot Tuesday, and am still having muscle soreness in the area I received the shot. Anyone else have ling laying side effects our just have a story they want to share?