My boyfriend wants kids in the future but don't want to talk about it..

I'm 17,18 in November and my SO is 20! We've been together for 3 years and we were each other's first :) I want a family really bad but I'm not financially stable! He knows how I feel about children and every night we write what we call a 'goodnight note' we let each other know how much we love one another,etc and he always says every night that he can't wait to have a family with me(excuse my slang) but he never wants to talk about it! I'll bring up something about pregnancy or children and he'll ignore it.. I'm just starting to wonder if he even wants children with me if he don't want to talk about it because he doesn't want kids right now! That's what he told me when I asked because I got upset as of why he kept ignoring something I said when I mentioned pregnancy or children. A few years before you started TTC did your SO ignore the topic?