6 week scan...Worried!!

I had my u/s done today...I am 6 weeks...He seen the sac but no baby... Said it's to early to see the baby everythng else checked out fine.. anyone went thru this before... Thanks!
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I'm 5 weeks 5 days and I'm getting some blood test today to make sure the baby is developing accordingly with his age. Is my third child and yes is normal, you shouldn't be worried, as long ad the blood test say your baby is okay and growing normally don't be corner you'll be able to see him/her at 10 to 13 weeks. Just relax and enjoy your pregnancy, follow up with your appts and that will give bring your some peace for the next 9 months. Now wish me luck, I'm nervous about my blood test. 


Sheira • Jun 23, 2015
thanks Iris...Best of luck to you!


Posted at
I was 6 weeks 1 day yesterday and had my first sono and we saw the baby and a little fluttering heartbeat. Is it possible you aren't as far along as you thought? Everyone is different so hopefully they do a repeat sono for peace of mind! Best of luck!!! 


Sheira • Jun 23, 2015
Thanks alot Ashley!


Posted at
I'm 5w2d according to last period, but I have a longer cycle usually and I usually ovulate around CD 18 instead of the typical CD 14, which makes me think I'm probably not quite as far along as my period says. Haven't had my official appointment yet. It's next Monday when I will be 6w1d. But I work in the hospital as an X-ray tech so my friend that is an ultrasound tech scanned me today and I'm a little scared because my sac looks so small and I don't see baby. But she acted as if it's no big deal, it's just too early. 


Posted at
I had an us today to 5 weeks 6 days, only saw a sac but it is still early. Going back next week. Keep your head up dear :)