To test or not to test?!

Hello ladies! Looking for a bit of encouragement/support/tough love etc. 
My DH and I have been TTC for a few months now (I know it's only the beginning!). Ignorantly we both thought it would happen on the first try.  It didn't. 
Every month is a roller coaster of emotions;  between charting, peeing on ovulation strips, taking my BBT and reading deeply into every little thing your body does or doesn't do...I'm totally drained!
Today (16 DPO) my boobs are swollen and a bit sore (nor to the touch just generally and this is not a common pre-period symptom of mine), my nipples are tingly, I had some crazy mood swings last week and to top it all off I just came down with a cold out of no where (mainly massive nasal congestion). Today was the first day I had some cramping but it was very different than normal cramping - it was sharper and seemed to be almost in my lower right hip. 
My period is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and I'm too chicken to take a test. Am I the only one that fears the disappointment of a BFN
Any words of encouragement? 
Thanks ladies!!!