With husband 12 years and still nothing

First off, I would like to start with, this is a great app, a way for woman to communicate and share stories..... realizing that,when you think you are alone and can't seem to find the light at the end of the tunnel, there are other woman out there who can relate or just be there........

I have been with my husband for 12 yrs, married 6, ttc for around 5.......I have pcod and am overweight, everytime I go to the drs, all I really hear is I need to lose weight.....yes, I know

Last year we decided that we would take a break ttc and I would lose the weight first, then to my surprise, I received a phone call, asking if I wanted to adopt

All I could do was cry because I felt like this was it, my chance, I didn't need to be pregnant to be a mom........so everything went according to plan, on Oct 7, "my" baby girl was born, I was there to witness everything, we took her home and all.

Then about a week later, the mom changed her mind, and I had to give her back, one of the worst things I have ever had to go through

I've just live a day at a time, feeling nothing, just live as "normal".

I'm going through the weight loss now, decided to download this app to monitor my menstral and fertility so when I'm ready to try again I know more or less where to start......

I wish everyone the best of luck and nothing but happiness

I just felt the need to tell my story as I haven't been able to talk about it with anyone, keeping it inside, thanx for reading........