Is this normal? Possibly tmi

I can't help but catch myself/find myself thinking back to an old boyfriend I had. We hated each other for the most part but oh my god was the sex good! I love being controlled (in a way though where I can say when enough is enough). I love to be tossed on the bed, pushed up against the wall, my body being touched and even being tied up is a turn on for me. This was the kind of sex my ex flame and I had. I try and try and try to hint to my husband this is what I like but he's so boring in bed!! He doesn't listen to what I like but complains that he wants to do things like that yet all he wants to do is the same two or three positions everytime. Last night I had a dream I was having sex with my ex the way we would get all heated and it actually felt like I was having sex but then I woke up! I told a white lie to my husband that the dream was about him because I guess I was moaning in my sleep and he asked if I had a good dream and laughed. I again hinted we should do things like that to spice it up and he rolled his eyes and changed the subject :( I love my husband dearly, he's the greatest but I want some passion in the sheets. I don't know what else to do to try and get him to be more passionate and I'm not sure this is normal at all to be thinking this much about my past sex experience with my ex. Help please!