15 week D&C

I'm back at glow after being pregnant for 15 weeks. Pregnancy was all amazing and wonderful and then we went in for an ultrasound checkup and left with some horrible news which ultimately ended with us getting a D&C soon after. We had our D&C on June 3rd. I very lightly bled the day of and barely the day after. For the rest of the week I only bled a little when I was up and moving a lot otherwise I didn't bleed at all. My doc said right from the beginning that we could ttc as soon as we wanted to and that the biggest part was that we needed to heal emotionally first. We knew right away that we were going to ttc ASAP...and we did. We started exactly a week after the procedure and have quite a bit since then! I might add that getting pregnant was actually extremely easy for us...too easy actually (we weren't trying) 
For those of you who unfortunately needed a D&C like me...I'm curious on a few things...
-what was your bleeding like after?
-when did you ovulate again? 
-if you've conceived...how long did it take you? 
-how long after your procedure did it take for you to get a negative hpt
Any advise is welcome as well for ttc! 
*please no lectures that we need to wait longer for my body to heal, we are cleared by my doctor and we are ready!! ...just nervous that it'll be really hard to get pregnant while actually trying!