My day at the hospital for red spotting.

Natalie • I'm a 32 year old wife and mother of one.

Today my spotting went from sludge brown to bright red so I went to the hospital. I had blood work, urinalysis, a vaginal ultrasound and a pelvic exam. My cervix is closed. According to my last period, I should be 6w1d. I'm measuring at 5 weeks. They didn't see a baby but there was a sack. My hormone levels are low but they said that it's consistent with 5 weeks instead of 6. They've diagnosed it as a threatened miscarriage. I've been told to make an appointment for next week to be reevaluated.

Has anyone had light bright red bleeding and things still turned out ok? I want this baby very bad but I think I'm prepared for it if I miscarry. 😢

Prayers, please. Thank you.