Spousal attraction or sex drive?

So my husband and I recently got married last August (so about 10 months ago). While excusing occasions like our wedding night, our honeymoon, and the occasional weekend away, I seem to have so much trouble with my sex drive. I don't know if it's my physical attraction to my husband or if it's just an issue that I am dealing with myself. I rarely find myself initiating anything between us on ordinary nights, and I also rarely orgasm. We have been together a total of 8 years now, intimate for maybe 6-ish. I feel like we should still be in our "honeymoon" stage of marriage and loving our sex life, but instead I find myself wanting to just go to sleep every night without sex. It worries me a lot that this won't change. I am on a few medication that have some side effects related to libido changes but, they warn that libido could increase! Not decrease! What's going on?!?!