I had weird withdrawal bleeding could I still be pregnant?

So I was on antibiotics, I skipped pills, I had unprotected sex and I was stupid I guess. Anyway, about two/ three days into my inactive pills (a week after the first time I had sex), I noticed pink spotting whenever I wiped. The next day I had some mild cramping and then on and off light red spotting and I wore a panty liner, it would last for a few hours at a time. Then it'd go back to the pink spotting and sometimes it was a light brownish mucusy thing when I wiped. Basically it did this back and forth between pink spotting, a bit heavier red spotting, and completely dry down there for about three days. I was wondering if I could still be pregnant with this. Usually my periods are continuous red bleeding for 5 days. So I'm a little put off by this but I don't wanna get too concerned since I did have some type of blood coming out of me. But then I freak myself out with Google and read how a woman said she still got her withdrawal bleeding when she was pregnant, or another one about how she thought she got her period but it wasn't. IDK the fact that it was so spotty and light and started out light pink/brown concerns me I guess. Is there any way I could be pregnant still or should I relax?