Procedure to remove second baby.


I must confess, that I'm having a really shitty time with this pregnancy. I'm 15 weeks with twins, but found out 2 weeks ago that baby B wasn't going to survive and would die of heart failure over the next week or two. I had my scan yesterday and the little battler is still living. Now before anyone gets upset, baby B is under developed with a very weak heartbeat and can cause risk to the healthy baby. I've been told by the specialist that I may have to have a procedure to cut the blood supply off to baby B to save baby A. There are two reasons for this. 1. Because of the size of baby B and because they share a placenta, if she dies, the bad blood could flow back into baby A. Reason 2 is because if baby B has heart failure, baby A could compensate and her little heart could beat for the both of them putting her at risk of a heart attack.

Has anyone else had experience with this or know anything about it?

Twin photo attached at 13 weeks and you can see the difference.