Confessing My Innermost Fear

Tomeka • Follower of Jesus. Avid bible reader. Prayer warrior. New single mom by choice to a handsome, healthy baby boy.
My mom will be returning to Nashville on June 30th. And I'll be raising my soon-to-be 3 weeks old infant by myself. Now.. I had planned to be a single mother when I had my successful 2nd <a href="">IUI</a>. And I'm trying to think positive and look strong. But I will miss having someone cooking for me and keeping my house clean and organized while I recover from childbirth and care for my infant. The baby cries everytime I leave him in the crib to go to the bathroom or kitchen. My mom would go in the room to calm him afterwards. It hurts my feelings to hear him holler in anger or fear. Because he might be thinking I've abandoned him and it's not true. I've only gone to the next room. How do you moms out there maintain spiritual or emotional strength to raise a crying baby alone?