We just found out

Megan • I recently found out I am pregnant again after a MC. I'm praying for a healthy pregnancy.
We just found out yesterday we are on the right track for our rainbow baby. I am very anxious, more than I thought I would be. I find it confusing out they come up with a date. I know I ovulated about 2 weeks ago. So the stick is right. But the app has be at 4 wks. I get nervouse that I dont feel sick, my boobs don't hurt. I do feel slightly light headed. We lost our first pregnancy december 28th. I should have been at 9 wks and it was only measuring at 6 wks. I am afraid that it will happen again. I get this tightness in my lower abnoman but I dont think cramps are thr right word. I know when I was pregnant before I would get cramps here or there and I was told cramps are not bad. Just signs your uterus is expanding. I just feel like I will be holding my breath the whole 9 months until I have my baby in my arms. Does anyone have similar issues with the begining of there pregnancy?