"No uterus, no opinion" ??

My wonderful husband is one of those super picky men, at our wedding he was kind of a groomszilla. As we're trying to conceive and we talk about potentially having a child we disagree about EVERYTHING! Insurance, birth plans, names, knowing the gender, when to tell family and what family members, midwife or OBGYN, and the list goes on.

I have 4 sisters and 2 sisters in law that have had children and they kind of go by the saying "no uterus, no opinion" when it comes to their husbands. It's so hard having a husband that has an opinion {most of the time it's the opposite of mine}.

I love my husband dearly and I understand that this would be HIS child too. But I feel like {in my opinion} I have to do way more! It's so frustrating sometimes. Anyone else have wonderfully picky husbands? 😉 Any advice on how to help him understand my point of view or help me to understand his point of view?