The gym and pregnancy

Taryn • Married to the most amazing man in the world! :) Trying to conceive our first baby. His 3rd & my 1st - Currently on Clomid 50mg - PCOS affects my fertility - Liberty University- Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican- Trump Train
So I am currently working toward a healthy goal weight. I'm about 15-20 lbs overweight according to my dr for my height (even though I am kinda muscular) I am eating a healthy diet full of fruits, veggies, and protein. No processed foods at all. I go to the gym and lift weights and do quite a bit of cardio. I am also actively ttc with my SO. My question is, will the gym time hurt when I do get pregnant? Does the weight lifting hurt when pregnant? I can get on up there in the weight poundage, about 130-140 pounds at a time. Everything from free weights to bench pressing etc. I know cardio is great when you are pregnant. It's just the other I'm not sure on.