Same pregnancy symptoms as my mother in law??

Melissa • My husband and I were blessed on November 19 2015 with our son Nolan! Currently pregnant with baby #2 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
My mother in law tells me about her how her pregnancy was with my husband and it is very similar to how mine is going so far. For example she didn't find out she was pregnant until she was almost 3 months pregnant cause she had no symptoms and just had no idea and the same thing happend to me, is this something in genetics or just a coincidence? Lol cause she ending up having a very hard labor and had to have a C-Cection so just want to be prepared if it's possible I'm going to keep following in her footsteps! Ha  
* I know that I do not inherit things from my mother in law I mean since the baby shares her genetics.