After a night at ER

I have 2 healthy kids, and had a MC in February. I am supposedly 8 weeks if I go off my LMC. Hubby and I got busy in bed, and there was pink blood afterward. I know some bleeding is normal and the cervix is sensitive, but that's how my last MC started. I decided to go to the ER. There, they did TVU and determined there was only a gestational and yolk sac, and guessed it around 5 weeks. Exactly what happened last time also. Said cervix is closed and bleeding had stopped which were good signs. They drew blood and determined my HCG was at 4400, which they felt was higher for what was in there. They sent me to an ultrasound tech who used a more sensitive machine. Showed pretty much exactly the same. I was discharged with orders to come back tomorrow for another hcg test and ultrasound. This pregnancy can go either way, maybe I ovulated and implanted a couple weeks later than I thought, even though I have positive home tests from 08 and 10 May. Or miscarriage is imminent, and the gestational sac never will become an embryo or fetus. I went to the ER for reassurance, and got absolutely none. Anyone else have an experience similar? How did it result?