Some advice please.

Ok. Sorry for such a long story but I am so confused its pretty frustrating. On june 14th I got what I thought was my monthly. 4 days long with a little bit of clots (sorry if tmi) My usual monthly is about a 5 to 6 days but didnt think anything of it. ( I took a test on june 12th and it was negitive) On June 22 I started spotting. Was really confused because that never happens. I decided to take a test the next day and it was positive!!! I was so thrilled because me and my other half have been trying for about 6 months. I decided to go to the ER because I was spotting ( I am RH negitive) They did blood work and sonogram and my HCG was 1,082. They couldnt see anything on sonogram because the doc said it was very early pregnancy( 2weeks. ) They told me to follow up in three days to make sure my hcg levels were doubiling. I went back and my levels went up but not doubled. They we 're 1245. They did another sonogram and exam and said that the preg wasnt viable and I should start bleeding in the next week. I have suffered several miscarriages and They are the most traumatic experiance I have ever went through. Not sure if its because Im hoping for the best or what but I feel as if Im not going to miscarry. Its been almost a week. No bleeding spotting cramping. Nothing. Should I get a second opinion? Shoud I worry? The er is forever misdiagnosing people. I have an apt with my ob but they cant see me until August. Any advise or support or even friendly gesture would great!