Hospital Bedrest/Preterm labor

Hey ladies...I am currently on hospital bedrest for preterm labor. I have been here since 5/29 (23w6d). Today I am 29w3d. On day of admission I was 70% effaced, 1cm dilated. As of 6/26 I was 100% effaced 3cm dilated (inner os) 2 cm (outter os) with a funneled cervix. Monday I lost my mucous plug. I have contractions daily. But nothing bad. I have received 2 rounds of steroids and magnesium. Once on day of admission and then again on 6/26 bc or signs of labor; which was out "rescue"/last dose we can be given. Are there any other ladies rocking in the same boat as me? Please share your story. ---As of today we are doing good and baby boy is still cooking! 🙏🏽❤️🐢 
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I'm praying for you hun !! 


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I've never personally experienced it but I was born at 30 weeks due placenta previa (my mom started bleeding and had an emergency c section). That was 30 years ago! I spent some time in NICU but there  were no complications at all and I'm perfectly healthy.  I'm just telling you this to put your mind at ease, baby will do great.  Hope baby cooks as long as possible!  Good luck!


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I know how you feel, preterm labor & bed rest is scary & stressful!! I'm 29 weeks 5 days pregnant with twins, & I have two kids ages 6 & 8 yrs old. I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks 2 days, I started having contractions & dilated to 2cm. I was admitted to the hospital for 4 1/2 days, they gave me medicine to stop the labor, & two steroid shots. They kept me on iv's, & did ultrasounds & non stress tests, there's some complications with my babies cords. Baby A has a marginal cord insertion, & baby B's cords blood flow is normal, but then sometimes is abnormal & flows backwards which isn't good. They discharged me once they felt everything looked & was stable, & put me on strict bed rest, but have to see the high risk ob every week for Doppler & NST. It's been a little over a week since that, I went today for my Doppler & NST, & again they were concerned about his cord, there was talk of admitting me to the hospital until their born possibly. They like to deliver babies that have that going on, unless it's too early, which I'm still too early for that. They let me go home, but now have to go twice a week for the Doppler, growth ultrasound & NST. It's been really hard, & I've been so emotional!! I'm just praying the babies are born not too early, & are healthy!! 


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My cervix started funneling July 4th. I woke up at 3:20 this morning to my water breaking all over my floor when I went downstairs to take the dog out. I'm 24 weeks exactly. Docs put me on hospital bedrest and I started the steroid shots, magnesium, and antibiotics. So far my little Esther Rose is a living miracle; she has zero fluid around her (confirmed by several ultrasounds) yet she has a perfect heart rate, is still moving all over, and I'm not contracting at all. God is good and this too shall pass.