Has anyone had success TTC after the HSG test

TTC for a few months now was not ovulating. My doctor sent me to have an HSG test on Monday I took the clear blue digital and it showed high chance however I'm still waiting for it to peak. Very hopeful!! I've been reading on line of women who had a positive test 1-3 months after having a HSG test done. 
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I conceived 7 months after mine. Not sure if it was the hsg or just Gods Grace alone. 


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I had been trying for 2 years, got HSG last December. I was then put on clomid really low dose and was pregnant within 3 months. I am now 18weeks 3days!! Not sure if clomid or HSG  but the nurse when I had the HSG done said that it can help. Good luck!!! 


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I conceived the 2nd cycle after my HSG, right before my OB was going to put me on Clomid. My husband is convinced that the procedure "flushed me out". 28+2 weeks today! 


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I conceived 4 months after hsg