The Pencil Test


Just for fun...

Thread a needle and poke in to the eraser of a sharpened pencil.

Lay your wrist flat (palm up) on a flat surface. Hold the pencil by the knot you made with the thread dangling over your wrist.

Hold still... it should start circling, or "thinking".

If the pencil starts going in a straight line the length of your arm... BOY.

From one side of wrist to the other, then Girl.

It will go through each child you have or are going to have. Shows miscarriage by a large circle in between children. Circles small in between each child anyway... does not show chemical pregnancies. Also, diagonal between babies means TWINS!

So, for example, me...

Circles... length of arm (boy)...small circles... length of arm (boy)...small circles... length of wrist (girl).

I have two boys so far. So maybe there's something to it 😊