Pregnant on Subutex

Hi. I'm currently pregnant and in my third trimester. I was on suboxone for 2 years before becoming pregnant. My dr switched me to subutex (8mg per day) at 9 weeks pregnant.
I was told by both my high risk dr and regular OB that my baby has a pretty good chance at not going thru withdrawal since (confirmed by regular drug testing) I do not secretly take anything other than subutex. They say they see withdrawal mostly in babies of women who sneak the use of heroin or pain pills in addition to the subutex.
Has anyone else been on subutex while pregnant? Now or in the past? If delivered on subutex, how was the baby? Any withdrawal? What are some things I should worry about, some things if shouldn't worry about?
My story is that after my last child was born (when I was 24) her traumatic delivery triggered Bipolar within me (I was already predisposed to having it but that's what triggered it). I immediately became addicted to the pain meds I was prescribed after the cesarean delivery and was hooked until a couple years later when I realized I had mental illness and needed to stop self-medicating. I had already done damage to my brain chemistry and the drs and I felt that it was best if I stayed on suboxone/subutex for a long while (along with my psych meds). It has worked for me and my quality of life has much improved.
So, plz don't judge. Plz only respond if you know something about this. Thank you!!!