1st attempt at IUI. Pregnant or all in my head?

Hi, I am new here and I just wanted to ask if anyone else has ever experienced what I am currently going through.
My partner and I had <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> last Monday July 6th. All of my tests came back fine, no reason to believe I have any issues becoming pregnant and the donor sperm count was 13 million and excellent motility.
Within a few days of the treatment I felt a little bloated and constipated. 5 days later I started getting some discharge, of which I believe some to have been implantation discharge as it has a small amount of dark blood within clear discharge (I never even knew this happens so I was a little shocked!) at least that's what I'm telling myself it was. I've never had anything like it before.
Since then I have felt quite normal with only a little off-white discharge and occasional cramping. I am not sure though if this is just my normal warning that my period is on its way as it is due in 7 days.
I have read many articles online about early signs of pregnancy and now I'm not sure if I am fooling myself into thinking that the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> worked.
The suspense is killing me and I can't do a pregnancy test for a week yet! Has anyone else experienced any of the early symptoms or is there anything I should look out for which is a clear indicator?
Thanks all x