Mother vs. Boyfriend?

I love both my mother and boyfriend dearly, and they equally reciprocate that love. That being said, my mother tends to try and dictate all aspects of my life, even though I am in college now; my boyfriend hates seeing her treat me like a little child whom she babies and tries to make relationship-related decisions for. I personally don't like her overbearing nature either, but if I even try to stand my ground, she goes on a rampage, and our otherwise good relationship deteriorates. Additionally, as she is supporting me financially in college, she uses that element against me when she's trying to get her way with something. My boyfriend thinks I should not let that get to me, and that I should have a backbone. All that prefaces the fact that I want to have a birthday celebration at the Grand Canyon with my family and boyfriend; however, my boyfriend doesn't want to come because my mother might start something again, and my mother doesn't want my boyfriend to come either. How do I appease both parties without always acquiescing to their preferences?