OMG I cant even....

So I lost my wallet with $100 in it. More like I think I threw it away 😯😣 so anyways I can't buy any test till Friday! ! Aaaaarrrggggg! I'm going crazy AF isn't due until the 22nd anyways but I swear everything is a symptom I just want it so bad!!! I think I'm just making myself feel pregnant LOL
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Posted at
OMG lol nooo don't put more stuff in my brain lmfao 😂 I'm dead serious my nails are usually really fragile (I used to get them done alot) so I noticed they were a bit harder and I was like yup I'm pregnant 😂😂 my hubby said "the dog could dart and you would think that's a symptom!" I couldn't stop laughing


Cass • Jul 15, 2015
fart* not dart


Posted at
Pregnancy brain? 😉


Posted at
I have made myself think I was pregnant too! Good luck!!! 


Posted at
My wallet with $200 was just stolen last week. I was bawling!


Cass • Jul 15, 2015
Oh no sorry to hear that! yes I was bawling too it sucks!


Posted at
It's too early to test anyways 😁


Cass • Jul 15, 2015
Lol thanks 😂😁