Soooo frustrated. :/

Elizabeth • Mother of 2
I so at my wits end, and don't even know what to do anymore. :/ I've done 4 rounds of clomid. All failed. Then last month I did letrozole and an <a href="">iui</a>, failed. So this month I'm doing another round of the letrozole and another <a href="">iui</a>, but I'm so frusterated. It's been almost 2 years now of trying and I just don't know what to do anymore, and am really wondering if this stuff even helps. :/ I have pcos too, so that certainly doesn't help. But I got pregnant the first try when I had my son, but now I'm starting to really believe that he is the only child I'm going to be able to have. :/ just don't know where to go from here, anyone have any luck with other things??