At noon on July 6th, cramp-like contractions started

At noon on July 6th, cramp-like contractions started. It had felt crampy off and on the last few days but this time it persisted. Late that afternoon, we decided to go to L&D. There we were informed that they were about 2 minutes apart and I was looking at being admitted. However, I was only 2cm dilated. So they had is walk around a while and then come back to be checked again. No changes - home we went. Contractions continued through the night; I couldn't sleep. But I waited it out. The next morning, I went to work with my husband instead of class. I didn't feel well enough for that. By half way through his shift, I felt awful and they were closer together. He had a replacement come in after my doctor said to come in. Now the contractions were 5 minutes apart and I was 3cm dilated. They kept us for two hours and checked dilation again. There was a small change but not enough to keep us. Discouraged and emotional, we went home. I had told my husband that I was only going back when they were strong enough that I couldn't walk. The next morning, I got ready for my weekly appointment. My doctor called me an hour before to check on me because she thought I would come back and deliver that night. She was concerned about my labor because I was GBS positive and recommended that I come in and get on antibiotics and pitocin. I left for the hospital and got into my room at 10am. They immediately started the antibiotic IV and by noon I was on pitocin. They increased it slowly and my husband got to the hospital from work by 2pm. At 5pm, my OB broke my water and found that there was meconium stain. She was very glad I can in for induction now. Labor began to speed up. I asked for IV pain reliever. It didn't take the edge off. So after sticking through a little longer, till 6cm dilated, I asked for an epidural. My husband hurried off to get the nurse. Once they finished my epidural, I was 9cm. Within minutes, I told my husband that I needed to push. He took off again to get the nurse. It felt like forever even though it was only minutes. I pushed for about a half an hour. The nurses were trying to find my OB but couldn't. Another doctor stepped in and I knew we were so close. I gave my last push and my OB walked in. She felt really bad for not being there and didn't understand why they weren't able to get a hold of her. But I was happy. I had our little girl on my chest and her incredibly strong and caring daddy by my side. She was born at 8:51pm weighing in at 6 lbs 15.6 oz and measuring 19.25 in long. She is everything I had hoped for. We love her so much!