Positive opks 2.5 weeks post D&C

Lauren • Married August 2014, boy mom, first 💙 born July, 2016, #2 💙 born December, 2018.
I had a D&C for a missed miscarriage on 6/30. Bled on and off for about 9 days then spotted for another week. I started taking opks a week ago and they have been positive every day. I know I'm not ovulating yet, as I have no other symptoms of it. I'm pretty sure it's just leftover hormones from the list pregnancy, as I am still getting very very faint lines on hpts as well. My question is, did track (or try to track) ovulation the first month after a loss before a period? How long did it take? 
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Finally had a negative Ovulation test today! Woo hoo!!!


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I had a missed miscarriage too 😔 sorry you went through that. I didn't track ovulation until after my first af which I got 5 weeks later. And then I got pregnant again. Good luck!


Lauren • Jul 16, 2015
Fingers crossed for you! How far along are you this now? I was 6 weeks when I lost my baby, but waited a month before I had the d&c.; I was 10 weeks to the day when I had it.


Tracie • Jul 16, 2015
I was 9 weeks only measuring 5. I had a d&c.; It was my first pregnancy and loss so I'm hoping this time around i have a healthy pregnancy .


Lauren • Jul 16, 2015
Thanks. How far along were you when you lost your first? Did you pass naturally or have a d&c; as well? Congrats on your new pregnancy!


Posted at
I miscarried on June 19, I bled for 7days, I took a pregnancy test on the 3rd July, negative! Dr confirmed it to be True on the 8th of July. Everything passed and I was cleared to try again...I have No clue when I ovulated because I wasn't tracking...here it is a month and one day and No period yet! Just spotting brown for 1 day. I'll be taking a pregnancy test on Friday, heard it could be implantation... Dr did say you can ovulate 2to 3 weeks after miscarriage that's why your so fertile....I know everyone is different. Good luck tho


Lauren • Jul 20, 2015
Good luck to you too! Keep me posted after you test Friday. 👍


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I had faint positives for 5 weeks after my d and c for a missed miscarriage. I think it's pretty normal. Frustrating but normal


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Still a very very faint line here. Today is three weeks since my d&c. 


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I had an early mc in june got 2 bfps on the 12th one of them was a digital saying 2-3 weeks....4 days later af showed up....I'm on my 5th week of blood work waiting for the hormone to drop back to or as close to 0 as possible (I should have my results tomorrow and hopefully it's all clear) I missed July's fertile window waiting for the # to drop and I had a normal period in july so it took about 5 weeks for the hormone to leave that could be why ur still getting faint lines and stuff from heat I hear the d and c can really mess with ur cycle so u may have to track a few before u can get back to normal again...best wishes and baby dust


#crazycatlady4life • Jul 21, 2015
yea I wasn't sure what was going to happen. can't wait to hear back from the Dr tomorrow


Lauren • Jul 21, 2015
Thanks! I didn't know you could get a period if your levels weren't back down to zero. Good luck to you too!


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Here are the most recent tests. Top is hpt from Monday afternoon. Middle is hpt from yesterday morning (definitely getting lighter). Bottom is opk from today. 


Lauren • Jul 20, 2015
Tomorrow makes three weeks for me and today was the first day I got a negative test. Good luck to you!


Gl • Jul 20, 2015
I wanna know how long it takes as well I really wanna be able to try again. I just got my OPKs today


Lauren • Jul 17, 2015
I'm sure it's not a chemical. I only had sex for the first time since the miscarriage with my husband this last week. It's still from that pregnancy. Just wondering how long it takes to go away.


Posted at
Thank you! I'm 6 weeks tomorrow. I'm so sorry u went through that! I went weeks without knowing I had a miscarriage and I broke down. Ur so strong!!! ❤️ if u do decide to ttc right away I hope you get your bfp ASAP!