New here and new to Fertility treatments!

Hey everyone! I'm new here and new to treatments, so I'll precede my question with what I've done this cycle. Quick background-  DH and I have tried to conceive baby #2 for a year now. We had no trouble with #1, who will be five in a few weeks. OBGYN sent me to a fertility clinic and this is my first full cycle with them. Turns out my stuff is all checking out OK. I've had tons of blood work, an HSG, and checked for PCOS. All is well. The hubs however, has been on gout medication and that has screwed up his swimmers. He's been off for 3 weeks now and put on clomid + a daily motility supplement. I've taken Letrozole CDs 5-9, then had a 10,000 iu HCG injection on CD13. I had one large follicle (20mm) and a smaller one (14mm). We had the option of an <a href="">IUI</a> but decided to try a few months of medication alone first.  I am now in the midst of my TWW. I go Monday for progesterone check then the next Monday (7/27) for a blood pregnancy test, if no AF. I came here for support and folks to talk to, as we are keeping this all to ourselves for now. But it's hard to talk to the hubby about my cycle- lol!  
How long will the HCG stay in my system? When can I actually test at home? And does the HCG make anyone else sick? I was sore in my waist and hips the day after the shot. Today is day 6 post shot and I've been terribly nauseous. Also cramped a lot yesterday. I'm trying very hard not to get hopes up as I feel like it's way too early for any real symptoms anyway, but not sure what to expect with all these medicine in my system either. (Oh and my 4 yrold tested positive for strep today- so yuck! Fingers crossed I don't get that!)
Thanks and hope to make some new friends!!!