Problems with my mother. Need advice.

Michelle • 21 year old FTM due January 2016 ❤️
I am 20 years old, almost 21-in my last year of nursing school and have been in a committed relationship for two years now. We have lived together for a jar and a half. My relationship has been rocky with my parents simply because of difference of opinion throughout my childhood. I told my mom I was pregnant and would appreciate any support and guidance. She immediately was scandalized and asks what I was going to do about it. When I told her I was keeping the baby, she had a complete 360 and told me that there was no way I could do this, I would be miserable for the rest of my life and that my youth was over. They said the best option would be an abortion. I disagreed and said it's life and my body and I don't agree with that. They said "it doesn't only affect your life it affects ours too.."- I don't live with them and they don't support me financially at all. Is it just me or do I have a right to be upset ? They also cancelled our European cruise they were taking me on at the end of the summer for my birthday...(ill be 19 weeks) because I'm not having the abortion. Even though it's totally safe for me to go. Are they just doing this to bully me? Or for my best interest?