Baby blues?

Nakita • 30 years old, Married Baby 1- June 2015, Baby 2- October 2016, Baby 3- March 2018! Baby 4 October 2019
I think I'm experiencing baby blues? For the most part I'm happy. I'm so happy with my daughter and I love her to pieces. My Husband has not been helping with her while we are out at family bbqs and such and I just want to cry ! I'm exhausted and he's at the bbq drinking and having the time of his life and I'm doing everything for the baby and he doesn't even talk to me. Doesn't come help me when I'm clearly exhausted. On top of this I'm feeling really crappy about myself and self concious with the way I'm looking. So when he's having fun with all our friends( girls included) and I'm not down on the dock with them in a bathing suit it makes me feel even worse :( I'm sorry for ranting but I've just cried way more then I ever have before :(