Wrong time for engagement.

This isn't about me.

But one of my long time friend is engaged. Usually a happy celebration.

But its not. She is 16 years old. Engaged by an 19 year old.

He graduated in 2014 and she is set to graduate in 2017 .

I don't know why this makes me so mad because I feel like he's taking her teenage years away.

How do you guys feel about this?

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Posted at
Not to be rude or to offend anyone...but aren't we all engaged when we were teenagers? I mean I felt like I was going to be with all my stupid little boyfriends forever lol


Posted at
That's definitely too young to get engaged in my opinion. I got engaged at 23. A teenager should be worried about high school and her grades, hanging at the mall with her friends, and dating around. I lost my virginity at 16 and boy am I glad I didn't marry that guy. I believe it takes time to figure out who you are and what you're looking for in a potential husband. I am much different person now than at 16. Enjoy being a kid, it doesn't last forever...


Posted at
honestly if she's happy and he's happy, what's the problem? 


Posted at
By seventeen I was engaged to a twenty-three year old man. I married him straight out of high school. Almost fourteen years and two and half kids later I am sitting beside him on our couch in our home we just (finally) bought. There is nowhere else I would rather be.That said, I don't think it is always wise to get married so young. There are things I should have experienced and didn't. Experiences I will never have a chance at again.But I still think, even knowing that, I would go back and do it the same all over again.So I think it depends on their relationship and only they can be the judge of that.


Posted at
I'd be the same way. When you're close to someone, you can't control your feelings about important life decisions that will have a huge impact on their life! For me personally, I would not have been ready for that kind of commitment at that age. It could work, who knows. All you can do is be there for the good and the bad and hope he's genuine, caring and loving.


Posted at
If he makes her happy why not. I was Engaged at 17.. To a 19 year old. If it's a mistake let her make the mistake on her own. It's not your heart. It's hers , so let her be.


Posted at
I wouldn't be mad at him... At 27, there was no way i was interested in getting married... Maybe she's desperate... Is it common where you are for girls to get married young? Did get parents hey married young?