Is it spotting?


My period was due a week ago, and didn't come. But I'm not always regular, sometimes it's a day or two early/late. I tested the next day and negative. Then about 3 days ago, I had a little blood when I wiped, thought it was my period starting, but nothing the rest of the day (mine are always really heavy!) and the next day, the same thing, a tiny amount once, and then again yesterday. I've been feeling kind of nauseous every once in a while, and having to pee more often, my husband is saying he thinks I'm pregnant (I would love to be, but tested again 2 days ago and another negative) I keep feeling like these might be symptoms, but I'm also thinking that it may be all in my head.

Could we be pregnant and it's just not showing on the test yet?

Or do you think this light once a day when I wipe, is my period just being weird?

Any advice or knowledge would be appreciated! Thank you! :)