Need opinion having Anxiety and Panic Attack

Never posted anything here in the forum but I love to visit here time to time . Anyway I'm 28 weeks and 3 days I've been having anxiety and panic attacks for about  2 weeks now before I get pregnant I was in lexapro soon I found out I was pregnant and I went off right away.. And never had anxiety up to now 😥 ... It affects me of everything I feel like not my self anymore I'm not enjoying my pregnancy coz all I think about is my anxiety I have it everyday day and night . Today I went for my doctor appt. and I told him about my situations I ask him if I can go back to lexapro he said it's totally fine as long is very low dose and it should not affect the baby .. He said the chances is very rear to affect the baby but I'm still hesitate to take it but same time I just wanna feel good and I can enjoy my 7years daughter she only have 3 weeks left to go back to school.. Still waiting for my psychiatrist to call me back.. Is there anyone here also going thrue what I'm feeling I need opinions pls... Thanks again