Coping with the loss of a child..

Kelsey • I am going to rock being a single mom. I have all the love and support I need. I can't wait for my little twins to arrive.
I've known for several months now that both of my twins will not make it. Ellie is not developing and my doctors are unsure why, even with extra testing that has been done. Rosie on the other hand is smaller but developing properly and everything looks fine. On Thursday I had an ultrasound where everything was as good as it gets...Ellie had a strong heartbeat, Rosie had a strong heartbeat and grew a good amount. Today I went in for a fetal echo on Rosie to make sure her heart was okay. Her heart is perfectly normal, thank goodness. Ellie was not receiving an echo because we know she will not make it after she's born. After the fetal echo appointment I went in for genetic councling to go over in great depth about test results being normal and more possible testing. It was decided that a fetal echo on Ellie would be appropriate before the other tests. We went for her echo and saw that she had no heartbeat. Sometime between Thursday and early afternoon I lost Ellie. I knew it would happen eventually but I was not prepared for it today. The silver lining is that Rosie has better odds now. I am also at lower risk for preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and even preterm labor. There is always a silver lining to every situation. Thank you to anyone who bothered to read this.