Playing with fire

So the past few days I've been working later than usual. Whenever I get off work I just can't sleep. For two nights in a row, a guy acquaintance has been messaging me on snapchat, it wasn't even selfies, just messages. He's very handsome (I'm in a very happy relationship but my eyes still work lol) and I know he's in a relationship too. The first night we stayed up talking for 3-4 hours. Completely innocent small talk but last night he started sending selfies and kept asking about my boyfriend. Why I was alone, and how my boyfriend would feel about me snapping him. While no lines were crossed, I felt amazingly confident, and I felt as though he was just testing the waters. While I could totally love just being friends, I worry about the feeling his attention gives me. 
I'm completely happy with my boyfriend but after about a year together, all his flirtations and sweet sentiments feel like he's just going through the motions. After the last few nights I feel so pretty and confident and it's been a huge ego boost. 
I'm not sure that I'm really asking a question, but I would love any insight. I've always been one to tell myself and friends that thoughts are natural, but acting on them is what causes trouble. Any thoughts?